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E-Nightwatch 《E-夜警》, 2023
Koganecho International Artist’s Network 2023 Nobody knows their story
Dates|September 29th(Fri)-October 29th(sun), 2023
Dates|September 29th(Fri)-October 29th(sun), 2023

Antagonism of Seeing, ART OSAKA 2022, Expanded section
at MORI YU GALLERY Booth , in Creative Center OSAKA.
Influenced by avant-garde and trials of early video art, Taki has been expressing the relationship between “seeing” and technology of today in his art pieces. When a certain technology goes to be a natural existence such as commodities for consumption, the relation of technology and human being, is led up to a phase of building dialectic of mutual hybrid contacts beyond master and slave relation. On the process of those, “seeing” goes to be separated as “too much seeing” and “too much not seeing.” If these questions on too visible or too invisible, opened in a connection of “ground and object” among sculpture, space, screen and viewer, Taki tries to converge those hybridization and overturning into his piece.
Influenced by avant-garde and trials of early video art, Taki has been expressing the relationship between “seeing” and technology of today in his art pieces. When a certain technology goes to be a natural existence such as commodities for consumption, the relation of technology and human being, is led up to a phase of building dialectic of mutual hybrid contacts beyond master and slave relation. On the process of those, “seeing” goes to be separated as “too much seeing” and “too much not seeing.” If these questions on too visible or too invisible, opened in a connection of “ground and object” among sculpture, space, screen and viewer, Taki tries to converge those hybridization and overturning into his piece.

artTNZ produced by AFT with APCA, 2020
artTNZ, Tennozu, Tokyo.
date: 17 -21 Sept. 2020, venue:TERRADA ART COMPLEXII
アートフェア「artTNZ produced by AFT with APCA」
date: 17 -21 Sept. 2020, venue:TERRADA ART COMPLEXII
アートフェア「artTNZ produced by AFT with APCA」

Scopophilia Machines, 2020
25 July- 23 August 2020, (summer off 13-18 August)

Penta-Monitor, 2020
date: 17 Feb - 3 Mar 2020, at HIGURE17-15cas.
date: 17 Feb - 3 Mar 2020, at HIGURE17-15cas.

Quake Your Perception, 2019
Quake Your Perception
10-25 Aug. 2019 (every weekend, fri.-sun.)
open 13:30-18:30
@Myojyuji Sarue Gallery
10-25 Aug. 2019 (every weekend, fri.-sun.)
open 13:30-18:30
@Myojyuji Sarue Gallery

Episodes over the Walls, -unNeighborly-, 2019
at Ex-greengrocer, Ogu, Tokyo.
organized by Jyunko Miura and member of Arts Prroject School, the 3rd graduates.
organized by Jyunko Miura and member of Arts Prroject School, the 3rd graduates.

Radio Active/ Motion Picture, 2018
Kyoto International Film Festival 2018, Art Department
venue: Broadcasting room at Moto-Jyumpu Elementary School
art planner: Kenta OKA, courtecy of MORI YU GALLERY
瀧健太郎「ラジオ活動/活動写真」、京都国際映画祭2018アート部門、会場:元淳風小学校 放送室、アート・プランナー:おか けんた、協力:MORI YU GALLERY
venue: Broadcasting room at Moto-Jyumpu Elementary School
art planner: Kenta OKA, courtecy of MORI YU GALLERY
瀧健太郎「ラジオ活動/活動写真」、京都国際映画祭2018アート部門、会場:元淳風小学校 放送室、アート・プランナー:おか けんた、協力:MORI YU GALLERY

Beyond Asian Borders Project, 2018
2018 Season 3 Residency Artists Exhibition
8.24 (Fri.) – 9.23 (Sun.)
Open Time/11:00-21:00(Closed on Monday)
Venue/Taipei Artist Village, Barry Room
8.24 (Fri.) – 9.23 (Sun.)
Open Time/11:00-21:00(Closed on Monday)
Venue/Taipei Artist Village, Barry Room

Rendezvous in Syndro-polis, solo show, 2016
In the same way as the advanced medicine makes a human being to be a cyborg, a city that is taken by science technology and controlling structure may also lose something important and organic elements because of high priority of the system. Cityscape shows us externally new and active surface, however it may be an aggregation of the ruins in fact. The images of our daily lives with problems such as poverty, gap, immigration, distinction, struggle, terrorism, economic crisis etc., are projected on our commodities and household electric appliances. There you can see a miniature impressed on wastes and gone. Kentaro Taki, a video artist from Japan, produces his latest installation piece through his first residency in Berlin.

Taiwan National Museum of Fine Art, 2016
Regeneration Movement: Rethinking Technology in the Digital Age
at Taiwan National Museum of Fine Art
Exhibition Dates: 19 March -22 May 2016
「再生運動 デジタル世代の反証的技術」(2016年、台湾国立美術館、台湾・台中)
at Taiwan National Museum of Fine Art
Exhibition Dates: 19 March -22 May 2016
「再生運動 デジタル世代の反証的技術」(2016年、台湾国立美術館、台湾・台中)

CorrespondingCityscape(2024), 11 public pieces by window projection.

Redeveloped Pool, 2023
Redevelopment Pool, night projection, 2023 performer: Sayuri IIMORI
《リデベロップメント・プール》夜間投影、2023年 出演:飯森 沙百合
《リデベロップメント・プール》夜間投影、2023年 出演:飯森 沙百合

Eternal Action, 2023
SHIZUOKA ART VISION date: 5 Nov.- 7 Dec. 2023, Venue: Izumigaya, orange storage
静岡アートビジョン 2023年11⽉5⽇(⽇)〜12⽉7⽇(⽊) 会場:泉ヶ⾕エリア みかん倉庫
静岡アートビジョン 2023年11⽉5⽇(⽇)〜12⽉7⽇(⽊) 会場:泉ヶ⾕エリア みかん倉庫

Drowning Skull, 2023
variable size, video projector, e-wastes, audio speaker, PC. exhibited in the show
Behind the wall of July , July 7-23, 2023, beneath the railways between Hinodecho Station and Koganecho Station, Yokohama, Japan
Curated by Haruka HIRANO, Organizer Koganecho Area Management Center
Behind the wall of July , July 7-23, 2023, beneath the railways between Hinodecho Station and Koganecho Station, Yokohama, Japan
Curated by Haruka HIRANO, Organizer Koganecho Area Management Center

Eye on Triangle, 2022
variable size, video projector, e-wastes, audio speaker, PC.
exhibited in ART OSAKA 2022, Expanded section at Creative Center Osaka, MORI YU GALLERY booth.
exhibited in ART OSAKA 2022, Expanded section at Creative Center Osaka, MORI YU GALLERY booth.

Poetics of Surveillance, 2022
at MORI YU GALLERY Booth , in Creative Center Osaka, ART OSAKA 2022
variable size, camera, monitor, switch, fan,
The alienation of user by uncontrollable technology shows us as rhapsody of mobile with camera monitor system.
variable size, camera, monitor, switch, fan,
The alienation of user by uncontrollable technology shows us as rhapsody of mobile with camera monitor system.

Corner Piece #4, 2019
exhibited in "Quake Your Perception", 10-25 Aug. 2019, @Myojyuji Sarue Gallery, Tokyo
video installation, 8min., loop, video projector, audio speaker, tripod
video installation, 8min., loop, video projector, audio speaker, tripod

Treasure Hunters, 2019
"A Land of Happiness – 2019 Treasure Hill Light Festival"
30 March - 5 May 2019, night time open air projection.
Director of Art Event 李曉雯 Catherine LEE
Curator 李依樺 LEE I-Hua
Coordinator 鄭名均 CHENG Ming-Chun
30 March - 5 May 2019, night time open air projection.
Director of Art Event 李曉雯 Catherine LEE
Curator 李依樺 LEE I-Hua
Coordinator 鄭名均 CHENG Ming-Chun

Borders on …, 2018
《…的邊界》 "Borders on..." installation, 6min loop, 2018
協力 Thanks to 曾郁萍 Odele, TSENG Yu-Ping/ 黃育千 Jimmy HUANG/ 黃潤 Rae, HUANG Run/何琳璘 HE Linlin
協力 Thanks to 曾郁萍 Odele, TSENG Yu-Ping/ 黃育千 Jimmy HUANG/ 黃潤 Rae, HUANG Run/何琳璘 HE Linlin

Radio Active/ Motion Picture, 2018
Kyoto International Film Festival 2018, Art Department venue: Broadcasting room at Moto-Jyumpu Elementary School, art planner: Kenta OKA, courtesy of MORI YU GALLERY
「ラジオ活動/活動写真」、 京都国際映画祭2018アート部門 会場:元淳風小学校放送室、 アート・プランナー:おか けんた、 協力:MORIYU GALLERY
「ラジオ活動/活動写真」、 京都国際映画祭2018アート部門 会場:元淳風小学校放送室、 アート・プランナー:おか けんた、 協力:MORIYU GALLERY

unNeighborly-tokyo, 2017
Multiple life-size image of people are projected in the exhibition space. Although next to one another, the place in several situation through signs and sounds and odd coincidences. Viewers themselves are brought into these divided images of people, and their sensitivity to these issues is tested as they experience virtual others in a theater space with video technology. (text from the leaflet "C/Sensor-ed Scape", Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo)

Unneighborly, Cairo, 2017
video installation at the 8th International Cairo Video Festival, Cairo, Egypt, 2017, 8min loop

Syndro-polis#2, "Kopfschmerz-bau" 2017
in Very Sustainable- Environmental Revollution at Yinchuan Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA)
展覧会:非常持续——环保启示录 日時:2017.09.03 - 2017.12.17 場所:銀川現代美術館 展策人:谢素贞 Suchen Hsieh
展覧会:非常持续——环保启示录 日時:2017.09.03 - 2017.12.17 場所:銀川現代美術館 展策人:谢素贞 Suchen Hsieh

Bild:Muell#10”Erosion”, 2016
Regeneration Movement: Rethinking Technology in the Digital Age
at Taiwan National Museum of Fine Art
Exhibition, Dates: 19 Mar. -22 May 2016
at Taiwan National Museum of Fine Art
Exhibition, Dates: 19 Mar. -22 May 2016

Bild:Muell#9 "Treibsand", 2015
"VIDEOs critical dreams" at MORI YU GALLERY, Kyoto, Japan, from 22 Aug.-20 Sep.
"VIDEOs -Critical Dreams-"日時:2015年8月22日(土) - 9月20日(日)
"VIDEOs -Critical Dreams-"日時:2015年8月22日(土) - 9月20日(日)

Bild:Muell#8 Das Myzel, 2013
video installation, 2013, by Kentaro Taki
'1963-2013 50 ans d'art video'
at Les Instant Video, Marseille, France
'1963-2013 50 ans d'art video'
at Les Instant Video, Marseille, France

Invitation, Yokohama, 2011
at Kaidan hiroba, Koganecho Bazaar 2011, Yokohama, Japan.
Several images of life size figures are projected on the column or the ceiling under train bridge. There she utilizes structures of those parts of public space as her playground of midnight time when people are sleeping.
Several images of life size figures are projected on the column or the ceiling under train bridge. There she utilizes structures of those parts of public space as her playground of midnight time when people are sleeping.

Living in the Box-Specimen, Tokyo, 2007
exhibition at Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo
4 Dec. 2007- 13 Jan. 2008
collaboration with Maiko DATE(performance)
Naoya OOE(operation)
4 Dec. 2007- 13 Jan. 2008
collaboration with Maiko DATE(performance)
Naoya OOE(operation)

Contour Lines, 2024
4K, 22min.
The author converted certain video images of human activities by an oscilloscope as contour lines. What do the rhythmic movements of these green lines of undulations make us feel?
The author converted certain video images of human activities by an oscilloscope as contour lines. What do the rhythmic movements of these green lines of undulations make us feel?

凸 coNVex, 2024
4K, video, 2min 55sec.
video portrait, Yokohama.
video portrait, Yokohama.

DinT 凹, 2022
4K video, 2min.
A portrait video that was shot on the street by chance. The vibrating ventilation duct reflects authors outlook as distorted portrait.
A portrait video that was shot on the street by chance. The vibrating ventilation duct reflects authors outlook as distorted portrait.

Bach without Border, 2022
4K, 9min.
This film project aimed to set classical music free from some borders by decontextualizing the situation in which it is usually presented. A fixed concert hall is replaced by a mobile bus, acoustic purity is mixed with outside noise and the audience is not necessarily comprised of concert-goers but was there at the time by chance.
Rei Nakamura & Kentaro Taki, Conception/ Rei Nakamura, Piano/ Kentaro Taki, Video/ Andreas Felden, Camera
This film project aimed to set classical music free from some borders by decontextualizing the situation in which it is usually presented. A fixed concert hall is replaced by a mobile bus, acoustic purity is mixed with outside noise and the audience is not necessarily comprised of concert-goers but was there at the time by chance.
Rei Nakamura & Kentaro Taki, Conception/ Rei Nakamura, Piano/ Kentaro Taki, Video/ Andreas Felden, Camera

Close Touching(Knappe Beruerung), 2021
4K, 10min.
The pianist plays keyboards on the critical point of touching or not touching, at the same time her body parts are cut upped on the situation of desperate existence. Our communication tools seemed to be developed to close to each other by telework or screen new deal, however, those technologies provoke another kind of divisions among us all over the world.
The pianist plays keyboards on the critical point of touching or not touching, at the same time her body parts are cut upped on the situation of desperate existence. Our communication tools seemed to be developed to close to each other by telework or screen new deal, however, those technologies provoke another kind of divisions among us all over the world.

Dark Tourism, 2016
HD, 7'32"
People are passing by urban ruins and crashed houses with mobile phones in their hands.
Tourist in battle field like them, might be symbolize us today, whom are losing something important too much depend on internet information and visual news.
In 2016, Taki visited Berlin, Germany, and saw the documentary photo exhibition, "War on Wall" held in East side gallery, where excatly on the Berliner Wall, by Kai Wiedenhoefer who shot war fields in Syria. And Taki documented that exhibition with the audiences in front of the wall. Wiedenhoefer kindly permitted this video piece.
People are passing by urban ruins and crashed houses with mobile phones in their hands.
Tourist in battle field like them, might be symbolize us today, whom are losing something important too much depend on internet information and visual news.
In 2016, Taki visited Berlin, Germany, and saw the documentary photo exhibition, "War on Wall" held in East side gallery, where excatly on the Berliner Wall, by Kai Wiedenhoefer who shot war fields in Syria. And Taki documented that exhibition with the audiences in front of the wall. Wiedenhoefer kindly permitted this video piece.

Video Symphonia 1st move, 2014
HD, 5min.
A symphony played by the bustle of urban space and video noise.
A symphony played by the bustle of urban space and video noise.

Hymne A Xochipilli/ du Japon, 2013
HD, 2'50''
A sonic poetry reading. The performer’s voice echoes into the theater against innumerable information/images being flooded in urban space in Tokyo. An homage to Maurice Lemaitre, artist/filmmaker of Lettrisme.
A sonic poetry reading. The performer’s voice echoes into the theater against innumerable information/images being flooded in urban space in Tokyo. An homage to Maurice Lemaitre, artist/filmmaker of Lettrisme.

Tangram, 2011
HD, 3'11"
Video footages are kinds of pieces of puzzle. The author rotates and combines these pieces, which were shot before and after 3.11, to form the times and perceptions he lived through.
Video footages are kinds of pieces of puzzle. The author rotates and combines these pieces, which were shot before and after 3.11, to form the times and perceptions he lived through.

Living in the Box, 2007-2013
HD, 13min.
Body parts are displayed as specimens in boxes within the white box. Each part is looking for something and this behavior recalls the physical and psychological blockages in modern life. A Collaboration with Maiko Date.
Body parts are displayed as specimens in boxes within the white box. Each part is looking for something and this behavior recalls the physical and psychological blockages in modern life. A Collaboration with Maiko Date.